Sometimes, keeping a child entertained at home can be a difficult task, especially during the holidays and end of the year festivities. For this reason, below you will find a series of entertaining games so that the little ones can have fun at home while learning at the same time.


Before knowing the activities that you can do with your children at home, it is important that you know that these are based on the Montessori method, designed by the educator María Montessori. In this there are a series of tools that help children develop their autonomy, learning at their own pace and in a suitable space for them. There are even institutions in which children can learn according to the development phases established by the Montessori method. For example, at Central Montessori Schools (CMS) we have special programs for children. In addition, our activities can also be applied at home to reinforce knowledge and learn as a family.

In this sense, implementing games based on the Montessori method will not only be fun, but it will also be a good way for the little ones in the house to begin to get involved in daily activities. Likewise, the child will be able to develop her creativity without the need to have ostentatious toys. In fact, if you want to start implementing Montessori education in your home, experts recommend that there be no toys with movements, excessive accessories or lights. On the other hand, the ideal toys are those that do not have many elements, are made of wood and simple. With this, it is sought that the child has tools that encourage exploration and imagination.


Now that you know some of the benefits of implementing games with the Montessori method, here you can find some examples of activities that you can do at home during the holidays or in your spare time. It should be noted that most can be implemented from 18 months of age, but you can adapt them to the needs of your children.

Wash dishes and silverware

The first functional game that they can implement at home is washing the dishes. This simple but useful activity will help the little one to get involved in a very daily household task. You only need a container with water, soap and some silverware or dishes to start washing them. Depending on the age of the minor, you can add objects to clean and even glass. If you prefer, you can buy a multifunctional table that includes an opening in the center for this type of activity.

Scent cans

Another fun activity that you can do with your children is to detect scents. It is even considered a sensory game that will help you refine your sense of smell. For this, you need several jars with lids in which you can place spices, food or scented flowers. The game consists of smelling each one and guessing what it is. In case your child is in the stage of learning to speak, you can add cards with images or words and show them after smelling so that he can make the association.

Mystery Bag

This game is a kind of riddle with objects. You just need to put different items inside a dark bag. Once they take out the first object they must say out loud what it is. You can also enter two identical items to look for their pair in the bag with your eyes closed. Consider that for this activity the child must already be familiar with the objects with which they are going to play.

Walk with obstacles

The Montessori method also develops the physical part of children with activities appropriate for their age. The obstacle course will help children between the ages of 2 and 4 to develop coordination. You only have to draw a thick line, you can use adhesive tape or ribbons, and place obstacles. Ask the child to walk in a straight line and to jump over the obstacles without leaving the line.

Texture box

This game is similar to mystery bag. The difference of this activity consists of placing different elements with textures in a container. For example, you can use rice grains, flour, vegetable paint, earth, even sugar. Use the elements you have at home to make it more fun. Remember to name each texture and ask your child to describe the sensation of what he touches.

Dig up objects

Continuing with sensory activities, another game they can play is digging up objects. There are different ways. One of them is to bury some objects in the garden and design a treasure map until the objects are found. In case your child is younger, you can freeze figures inside a balloon. Later, burst the balloon and remove the figure.

Imitates movement

The Montessori method does not promote imaginary drawings in children under six years of age, so that children can distinguish reality from stories. Therefore, this activity requires images of animals or people doing some activity, such as jumping or painting, and for the child to do the action.

Buckle and close

If the child is learning to develop fine motor skills, you can place items that have zippers or buttons on them and teach them to put the objects on and off.

Cut, peel and spread

Like the dishwashing game, this consists of a daily activity in which the little one can learn to cut and peel fruits or vegetables. In addition, depending on the age of your child, you can use knives with more or less sharpness so as not to hurt the child in the first attempts. To spread, they can use jam on bread or on some other object.

Remember that you can do everything with materials you have at home. It is important to get involved in the games for a teaching in harmony. You can also choose one of the CMS activities so that professionals guide your little one with the appropriate activities for their abilities.

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