With a fresh year approaching soon we know, it’s that time of the year again when people begin with new beginnings.
This time can seem especially crazy and fun for kids. But being parents, you shouldn’t forget, that your kids aren’t well acquainted with the traditions of new year. So, what they’ll inherit now shall remain with them for the rest of their lives. Accordingly, the New Year shall be made more meaningful for pre-schoolers.
Thankfully, there are a lot of great ways for you to make the day happening and amazing even for the youngest members of your family.
Making new year resolutions with them.
For kids, New year is a time of discovery and growth. Sharing your resolutions comforts them. They come to know that they’re not the only ones who don’t have everything figured out. Stumbling on your resolutions and knowing how hard you try to achieve them will help them to develop a steadfast belief that albeit we can’t always get everything right, what matters most is that we keep striving to learn, improve, and be content.
Re- evaluate what the current year taught them.
The habit of making New Year’s resolutions gives us a way to take the time to look forward to the coming year and make the upcoming journey more worthwhile. But it’s also important to think back on the year that just passed. All you need is to teach your kids is to evaluate what the current year taught them. You can start from January 1st, and jot down whenever you recollect something that is memorable and gives you joy or pain. This habit will always help you to outshine your strengths and also trace your past mistakes so that you can put an effort to redress them.
Montessori-inspired activities.
Another fun way to celebrate the New Year with your kids is by using Montessori-inspired activities throughout the day. Children attending Montessori settings are encouraged to be independent in every aspect of their life at nursery. They grow up feeling empowered and safe in their abilities to make sound choices. Thus, parents can integrate fun with Montessori inspired activities and provide them with a healthy space to enjoy New Year’s Eve.
Teach them good values for they’re all set for a new year!
One of the most important teachings is to impart a great deal of acceptance, tolerance and consideration in toddlers with the coming new year. You can obliquely teach them those values which you want them to develop. Such values can be –
• Teach them to accept others irrespective of their opinions, gender, caste, class, likes, dislikes and so on.
• Teach them that it’s there duty as human beings of this planet, to reciprocate the care of the environment and care for it in the same way they take care of themselves and their homes.
• Teach them to take good care of their own physical and mental health and be considerate of others at the same time.
The greatest gift you can give them -is your time.
Lack of attention from parents can have negative consequences in childhood and the stages to come. Just because they are our family members does not mean that we can expect them to adjust and not spend quality time with them. Thus, you can steal a chance from your busy schedules to spend some quality time with your kids this New Year’s Eve.
You can play games with them to bring in the fun. As games would definitely stimulate a child’s interest. Or you can just find a great opportunity to engage children in rich conversation, share important values, and encourage lifelong interests.