“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.”
-Dr. Maria Montessori
The system of Montessori Education outshines others due to the distinctiveness of its environment. The uniqueness it offers to the toddlers helps them develop to their maximum potential. The engaging environment teaches children to conduct themselves, be responsible, accountable, reverent, and proficient in all the tasks they perform competent, but all at their pace.
Unlike a traditional school, and it harbors the creativity and potential of young toddlers.
What is the Montessori Method?
The Montessori approach to education was developed by Italian physician Dr Maria Montessori. She created her educational approach after observing children and how they learn on their own. Her method viewed children as naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a sufficiently supportive and well-prepared learning environment. It
offers an effective process for learning that taps a child’s inner potential and creativity.
As a parent, you might be perplexed by the question of what system to choose for your child’s education. When you’re certain to opt the best for them, do not fail to examine the potential of a Montessori school.
Thus, Central Montessori School attempts to help you examine some of the reasons why to enroll your child in a Montessori school –
Children from a Montessori school often possess better self-discipline skills. This is due to the fact that in a Montessori environment it is only through freedom that the children develop self-discipline. Self-discipline is something intrinsic that cannot be achieved by commands and orders and with the threat of punishments. Thus, in a Montessori classroom, through
freedom and practice, a child develops the necessary skills to become confident and self-disciplined.
Human beings are fallible. At some point of time, we definitely need to learn to examine and correct our own mistakes. But a unique aspect of Montessori learning environment is that it teaches young minds to critically examine their work, correct errors, and learn from those mistakes.
Environments have a real impact on children. Well, the Montessori environment implants curiosity in children. In a Montessori classroom, your child will naturally begin to crave for knowledge. They develop an insatiable habit of finding solutions to the problems. Thus, they start to use different ways inside the classroom to find answers to difficult questions, discover
new ideas and perform experiments.
Every child learns and accommodates ideas in his/her unique style. They learn at their own pace that works best for them. Thus, the educators of the Montessori system understand thatevery child is unique. They focus on their abilities and weakness and plan the curriculum accordingly rather than forcing a rigid one on them.
In a Montessori classroom, Children enjoy freedom within their limits. They have the freedom to communicate. They are not limited to the materials available to them in the classroom. They actively participate in deciding how they want to learn and. This certainly drives satisfaction which in turn increases their confidence in learning. The opportunity to learn at their pace enhances their sense of freedom.
Unlike traditional schools, Montessori schools do not follow mundane curriculums. In fact, they inspire children to be more creative. They aren’t forced to create good results, rather they are taught to learn during the process. Thus, the joy of doing work without caring about predetermined results imparts creativity in them.
Children in the Montessori environment are encouraged to do tasks in groups rather than individually. Cooperation is the hallmark is also a hallmark of the Montessori environment. Children are engaged in activities that are intentionally designed to foster collaboration. They plan, organize, and consult with each other all day. They, therefore, learn how to respect each other despite facing competition.
Children in the Montessori environment learn to create their daily routine, educate themselves, and think about what they are learning. They develop the basic skills of self-regulation, coordination, concentration occurs during Montessori learning.
In a Montessori program, children focus more on the practical application of knowledge. They aren’t taught within rigid limits. Thus, they learn abstract theories rather than concrete ones.
Not only skills such as maths, reading, language, arts are fostered in a Montessori environment but also skills like critical thinking, logical reasoning, enhanced empathy, and connectivity are fostered.