“It is a greater challenge to manifest wellness in an unhealthy environment
So be aware of the environment where you live, the first step to greater health! “
The environment we live in has a great impact on our lifestyles. Notably, a healthy environment is of much importance for a child’s growth as it prepares him/her for a great start in life. It not only shapes children with regard to their mental or physical health but also moulds them to perform better on the academic front. So, if we aim at providing effective education, we must make provisions for an effective learning space for the young learners.
We are quite aware that a Montessori school does not features large number of classrooms. Notwithstanding an exceptionally good curriculum, a good infrastructure will emphatically influence your kid’s academic and social performance. It will indigenously instigate conviction, confidence, fulfilment and steadfast quest for success. Evidently, when the existing learning infrastructure is outmoded and lacks in adding merit to a child’s life – the idea of renovating the school comes to light. Hence, the thought of renovating the learning space is an attribute of incessant progress towards education.
Renovation transforms the old fashioned and aging infrastructure of a school to an interactive one. It also shapes the learning spaces. Thus, rejuvenating the classrooms give schools an opportunity to cast away that outmoded personality and embrace a new techno friendly persona. It helps children to inherently believe that learning can be a massively enriching and adventuresome experience. It is important for making a replacement and creating a healthy environment that meets the needs of upgraded curriculum.
Before beginning with the renovation process, a careful exploration must be done to avoid any challenges. You can optimally utilise the existing building and it’s efficiencies by renovating the premises. We must therefore begin by removing the deficiencies present in the school environment or education system. Learning spaces must be revived and a safe plus pleasant learning environment must be created. In addition to this, it must be kept in mind that the renovation must not bar the regular functioning of the school. Apparently to minimize the effect, the renovation must be taken up during holidays.
Remodelling of the school infrastructure and its premises can give a fresh outlook to the school. It encourages students to explore more than ever before. Thus, renovation may include the use of modern and upgraded educational technology in the school environment. Replacing the outdated equipment and technology is quintessential in order to create an upgraded learning environment.
Therefore, the inclusion of technological upgradation in school renovation process is one of the most important steps in reshaping the learning space. For instance, new ways of learning i.e digital learning aids can enable toddlers to understand the elements of subjects with perfectness.
Lighting in the classrooms, corridors, school labs or reception can sometimes be pretty dull. Thus, natural light is one of the key things you can have in your classroom. Large windows are excellent in that case when combined with curtains to control the light levels. Proper lighting can apparently enhance the learning experience of children and at the same time add up to their concentration, focus and attention.
The choice of colors used in the classroom can sometimes be too bright and distracting or be too sad and depressing. A perfectly chosen color palette for surroundings educe feelings of joy in all of us. Similarly, pleasant colors encourage children to feel joy while learning new things at school.
Conclusively, it is necessary to provide the next generation with all the tools they need to get a strong education that enhances their personality and adds up to their focus and attention. Kids are apparently the future of the nation; thus they need a good start in life in order to get ahead. By making good use of the resources provided and by offering first class renovated facilities, we allow our children the best opportunities available.